¦¦¦ ofc-wk-2

small reel - wanted to test some mocap workflows and vid production.

There are some visual errors since I had to redo some frames. I sent this out to a farm who failed on some of the frames, and there were differences locally. cool tho imo!

Everything except the turnaround is done in Cycles

Everything except the turnaround is done in Cycles

Anim frame

Anim frame

Anim frame

Anim frame

Turnaround. NRM, AO. EEVEE

AO clay

AO clay

UV's are unwrapped for detail normals and use quadrified islands where possible, for tiling. 

Topo could be much better, but is under overall character target, so in the interest of time constraints, it's okay.

UV's are unwrapped for detail normals and use quadrified islands where possible, for tiling.

Topo could be much better, but is under overall character target, so in the interest of time constraints, it's okay.

col / nrm / rgh / uv_layout

col / nrm / rgh / uv_layout

Attacking different render passes in Blender. Using the sample debug layer gives you an interesting (noisy) b/w image to blend with

Attacking different render passes in Blender. Using the sample debug layer gives you an interesting (noisy) b/w image to blend with

¦¦¦ ofc-wk-2

week 2. personal outfit challenge. bit late on this one!
fun outfit to make - trying to get faster with mocap and video workflows.
outfit based on concept art / kda reddesign by Olesya Spitz
environment is commercial product by Dennis Wormgoor