One of several psuedo brand concepts and artworks for ORION FESTIVAL, a VR based music festival held on the VRchat platform.
Was tasked with fast concept advertisements under a loose 'cyberpunky' theme, little directive input other than that!
the VXCTXR series was created with a mixture of 3D sculpting and AI inpainting - the heads were sculpted in 3D, rendered as an AO pass, exaggurated in Photoshop, then inpainted with Stable Diffusion for hair / armor.
Further processing and vector overlays were done in Krita (filters, color indexing, etc)
Personally I'd use a different shader to make them appear holographic or like large LED panels, but that wasn't up to my discretion 😄
The full collection of ORION FESTIVAL 2022 art will be available here:
More on Club Orion can be found at